Susitna-Watana Hydro is in the early phase of a long and complex federal licensing process under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). A major component of this phase involves the planning, review, approval and implementation of a Study Plan that addresses a number of areas related to the project.
The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) filed a Proposed Study Plan (PSP) with FERC in July 2012 that included 58 studies covering nearly 186,000 acres surrounding the project site. A number of Technical Workgroup Meetings were conducted with a variety of stakeholders to provide an open forum for stakeholders to contribute to the study planning process. These meetings and other input received from a variety of interested parties provided valuable information that was used to formulate a Revised Study Plan (RSP) submitted to FERC in December 2012. FERC will review the Revised Study Plan and render a decision by Spring 2013. AEA hopes to begin conducting these studies beginning in 2013.
The Study Plan includes the following areas of study. Each study provides a link to the Proposed Study Plan document filed with FERC (“PSP”) to the Revised Study Plan that was filed with FERC (“RSP”).

Water Resources
- Baseline Water Quality Study (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Water Quality Modeling Study (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Mercury Assessment and Potential for Bioaccumulation Study (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Geomorphology Study (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Fluvial Geomorphology Modeling below Watana Dam Study (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Groundwater-related Aquatic Habitat Study (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Ice Processes in the Susitna River Dam Study (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Glacial and Runoff Changes Study (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)

Fish & Aquatic Resources
- Fish Distribution and Abundance in the Upper Susitna (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Fish Distribution and Abundance in the Middle and Lower Susitna River (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Salmon Escapement Study (PSP) | (RSP)
- River Productivity Study (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Characterization of Aquatic Habitats in the Susitna River with Potential to be Affected by the Susitna-Watana Project (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- The Future Watana Reservoir Fish Community and Risk of Entrainment Study (PSP) | (RSP)
- Study of Fish Passage at Watana Dam (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Study of Fish Passage Barriers in the Middle and Upper Susitna River and Susitna Tributaries (PSP) | (RSP)
- Aquatic Resources Study within the Access Alignment, Transmission Alignment, and Construction Area (PSP) | (RSP)
- Genetic Baseline Study for Selected Fish Species (PSP) | (RSP)
- Analysis of Fish Harvest in and Downstream of the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project Area (PSP) | (RSP)
- Eulachon Distribution and Abundance in the Susitna River (PSP) | (RSP)
- Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Study (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)

Wildlife Resources
- Study of Distribution, Abundance, Productivity & Survival of Moose (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Study of Distribution, Abundance, Movements, and Productivity of Caribou (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Study of Distribution, Abundance, and Habitat Use of Dall’s Sheep (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Study of Distribution, Abundance, and Habitat Use by Large Carnivores (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Study of Distribution and Abundance of Wolverines (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Study of Terrestrial Furbearer Abundance and Habitat Use (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Study of Aquatic Furbearer Abundance and Habitat Use (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Study of Species Composition and Habitat Use of Small Mammals (PSP) | (RSP)
- Study of Distribution and Habitat Use of Little Brown Bat (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Survey Study of Eagles and Other Raptors (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Waterbird Migration, Breeding and Habitat Study (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Breeding Survey Study of Landbirds and Shorebirds (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Study of Population Ecology of Willow Ptarmigan in Game Management Unity 13, Southcentral Alaska (PSP) | (RSP)
- Study of Distribution and Habitat Use of Wood Frogs (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Evaluation of Wildlife Habitat Use Study (PSP) | (D-RSP) | (RSP)
- Wildlife Harvest Analysis Study (PSP) | (RSP)

Botanical Resources

Recreation & Aesthetic Resources