The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is very early in the six-year licensing process for Susitna-Watana Hydro. Most of 2012 has been spent developing a Proposed Study Plan to thoroughly understand the potential project impacts on wildlife resources. The Susitna-Watana Hydro Proposed Study Plan encompasses 186,000 acres. This region is habitat to a wide array of wildlife, including large game species like moose and caribou, Dall’s sheep, eagles and raptors and a variety of other species.
This summer AEA began a multi-year collaboration with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to begin radio collaring caribou, as part of the Nelchina herd. Studies are also underway or planned to understand the distribution and abundance of a variety of species that include moose, wolverine and Dall’s Sheep, the abundance and habitat of terrestrial and aquatic furbearers and water bird migration, breeding and habitat.
AEA will continue to work with state and federal agencies to ensure that wildlife resources are adequately protected.